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mardi 3 septembre 2013

The Top 8 ways to see how fast you can lose weight...

1. The fatter you are = The quicker you'll lose weight.

A fatter person will lose weight FASTER than a lighter person doing the same weight loss activity for the same amount of time simply because more calories are burned(takes more energy) to move a heavier person and also - believe it or not…
A fatter person has a higher metabolism than a lighter person (see #3 here for why that is) so when fatter people go on a diet…
Their metabolism's will burn off more of their stored fat faster than a lighter person so…
A fatter person may lose 5-to-10 pounds in their first week on a weight loss plan while a normal weight or not so over weight person may only lose 2-to-5 pounds in their first week.
2. The more active you are = the quicker you'll lose weight.
  • The more intense you workout = the faster you'll lose weight and…
  • The longer you workout = the faster you'll lose weight and…
  • The more times a week you workout = the faster you'll lose weight and…
  • The more times a day you workout = the faster you'll lose weight and…
  • The more active you are while not working out = the faster you'll lose weight and…
Your ability to recover & how much rest you need will all affect how intense, how long, how many times a week and how many times a day you can workout and…
3. How much you eat
The more you eat UNDER the amount of calories you need to maintain your weight will determine how fast you lose weight but…

You should never eat under 1000-to-1200 calories since…
  • The chances of you getting loose skin as you lose weight (by losing muscle mass) and also…
  • The chances that you gain back all the weight you lost are both very high but…
A real fat person can lose lots of fat faster without losing much muscle than a leaner person on a VLCD of under 1000-to-12000 calories since they have lots of stored fat on their bodies.
4. How bad your eating habits were before starting a weight loss plan
If you had bad eating habits or if you ate foods that made you gain weight before you started a weight loss diet plan
You'll lose a lot of weight faster than someone who was eating healthier because your body will be flushing out pounds of excess waste, toxins and water weight you gained from your bad eating habits and usually…
After you lose up to 10 pounds in your first week after coming off your bad habits you can expect your weight loss rate to go back to normal.
5. The more Stressed you are = The slower you'll lose weight
Cortisol is a hormone released in your body when stress levels are high telling your brain "you're hungry and you need to eat more to combat all this stress" and…
The more stressed you are = the more hungry you are making it harder for you to stick to your weight loss plan causing you to eat too much and lose weight slower so See 100 ways to lower stress here
6. How many Carbs & Proteins you eat
You'll lose weight faster if you eat less carbs and that's a good thing for you if you can realistically maintain a low-carb diet for a long time but…
You may not be able to maintain a low-carb/high-protein diet for a long time before you gain back all the weight you lost so it's best that your diet is 40-to-60% carbs, 30-to-40% protein and the rest made up of healthy fats.
7. What you eat and how often you cheat on your diet
You'll lose weight faster eating more of these weight loss foods and less of these bad foods plus…
The more strict you are with your diet = the faster you'll lose weight than if you were cheating on your diet too much but seehow to cheat on your diet and still lose weight.
8. How motivated you are
The more motivated you are = the quicker you'll lose weight so See how to get motivated to lose weight fast and…