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samedi 24 août 2013

The Very Best Way To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Obesity: A problem which can disturb your life!

Our daily life is very unhealthy because we are busy in earning more money. People don’t remember about their health and they become obese which cause many diseases. We are facing heart attack, sugar, cancer, tumor, asthma and many other problems which are related somewhere from obesity.
These health problems can be resolved if we notice them before turn them in critical stage. As you know that overweight and obesity are the terms which used to describe a person’s weight which is more than his physical structure. There are more than 400,000 deaths per year in United State only due to obesity.     
Overweight problems are as follows:
Short term problems:

·         Increased sweating
·         Snoring
·         Difficulty sleeping
·         Inability to cope with sudden physical activity
·         Feeling very tired every day
·         Back and joint pains
Long-term problems:
·         High blood pressure (hypertension)
·         High cholesterol levels (fatty deposits blocking your arteries)
 Obese people may also face some psychological problems which are as follows:
·         Low self-esteem
·         Low confidence levels
·         Feeling isolated in society